Friday, March 31, 2006


Much like a kidnapped whore, I have come back to slap this blog around a couple more times until it dies.

There's been an increase in the amount of 9/11 conspiracy talk going on lately. If you watch that loose change video it's pretty hard to believe that the events of that day didn't have a bit of help from someone. But do you honestly think we will ever find the truth, and realistically do you even want to know it? Finally have confirmation of what we really all know....that Condi, Bushy, Cheney, Rummy and the lot are a bunch of lying scum sucking douche bags. If they conspired to pull off something of that magnitude and can sleep soundly at night I seriously doubt they are even human, and if that's the case, this conspiracy is beyond anything we could even imagine.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

And The Oscar Goes To:

Crash won best picture. I'm glad, thought it was highly underrated. Pleased Bareback didn't win because of all the hype it was getting.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Letter From Scott Stapp

I just wanted to say how sorry I am to my fans for this whole sex tape thing. God know it's bad enough you have to hear me sing, let alone see my bare white ass with a stripper who has a mullett (or was that Kid Rock?). I guess I should be happy that the tape of me, Kid Rock and the goat hasn't come out yet but you can be sure I won't be doing anything like that again (or taping it anyways). And to the people who stole this tape I have somethings to say: Why do you want to destroy somebody as nice and popular as me? You guys are super mean and can be sure you won't be getting free tixs to my next concert.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pure Genius

The Lego Suicides