Thursday, November 17, 2005

Caption Contest

Last Weeks Winner: ninjaturtlesoup said...
Are interspecies relationships going too far? More on this at eleven.
His site in Now in the Link Column.

This Weeks Pic.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My Blog Formula

Short Attention Span + Easily Accessible Templates + Easily Bored = New Blog Layout.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Lest We Forget

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row
That mark our place and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below

-John McCrae

Woman of The Week

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I h8 Y0u

sEw...HaVnt BLog'd iN a BiT So ThOugHt I ShOulD leT mY peePs knOw wAz uP. iM s0000 depRezed lATley. cAlled m0m a h00re, so ShE w0n't lEt mE plAy nINteNd0 f0r 2 wH0le dAYz!!! omG!!!! anD dAd haz to w0rk lAte t0Day s0 I cant HAVE tHe CaR. h0W thE f00K Im i suPP0sd t0 geT t0 mY j0b???? mY lIFe suKz. maYb I sh0ulD juzt k1lL mYsElF. N000 I d0nT meAn tAht. AnYh00 g0TTa g0. lUv t0 usE a11.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Blog of The Week

Click the "Rent My Blog" Link on the right or Here.

Caption Contest

Just use the comments to add a caption. The contest will run for one week and I will give a link to the best one.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

It's MY Birthday

My birthday is coming near the end of this month and I thought seen as how you readers think of me somewhat like a god*, I went ahead and compiled an Wishlist. If you'd like to get me something just e-mail me( and I will send you the wish list. If'in you wants to send cash just use my Pay-Pal Donate button to the left.

*I am not a god and do not condone those people that refer to me as such. I'm just really narcissistic.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


In an effort to cut down on the actual thinking I have to do for this blog I'm going to start to include some weekly features. They will include Woman of the Week, A Caption Contest (the winner will receive my undying affection or a link, whichever they value more), Photo of the Week (a pic I have personally taken) and if somebody rents my blog there will be blog of the week. Hopefully I can come up with some posts in between so the page isn't crammed with a bunch of pictures.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Woman of the Week

It's a Boogie

I was just thinking about kids who pick there nose and then eat the boogers. Why the hell would you ever do that. I'll admit that as a child I picked, maybe even flicked, but it never occurred to me to eat it. Makes you wonder what other bodily solids these kids are eating. "Timmy, where did you get that chocolate bar from?"