Seemed Like A Good IdeaThe Internet is a wealth of information. And, amongst that wealth, there are "31 Really Bad masturbation Ideas." You can view the full list
Here. Or read my list of some of the more disturbing ones.
1. Using a pen in the anus with the cap on and having the cap get stuck, waiting a day and crapping it out.
2. Putting a piece of wire into the urethra and ending up hospitalized for three days.
3. Putting a pencil, eraser side first, into the urethra and cutting the inside of the penis.
4. Putting a curling iron into your vagina, only to realize that it is still on.
5. (My Personal favorite) sticking a piece of incense into the urethra, lighting it on fire, passing out, and having the hole of your penis close shut sending you to the ER for surgery.
Behold the powers of booze and horniness.